Objectives: To investigate the tubule occlusion and remineralization potential of a novel toothpaste with active tetracalcium phosphate/monetite mixtures under de/remineralization cycling.
Methods: Dentin de/remineralization cycling protocol consisted of demineralization in 1% citric acid at pH 4.6 with following remineralization with toothpastes and soaking in artificial saliva. Effectiveness of toothpastes to promote remineralization was evaluated by measurement of microhardness recovery, analysis of surface roughness, thickness of coating and scanning electron microscopy.
Results: The novel tetracalcium phosphate/monetite dentifrice had comparable remineralization potential as commercial calcium silicate/phosphate (SENSODYNE®) and magnesium aluminum silicate (Colgate®) toothpastes and significantly higher than control saliva (p<0.02). Surface roughness was significantly lower after treatment with prepared and SENSODYNE® dentifirice (p<0.05). The coatings on dentin surfaces was significantly thicker after applying toothpastes as compared to negative control (p<0.001).
Conclusions: The new fluoride toothpaste formulation with bioactive tetracalcium phosphate/monetite calcium phosphate mixture effectively occluded dentin tubules and showed good dentin remineralization potential under de/remineralization cycling. It could replace professional powder preparation based on this mixture. It was demonstrated that prepared dentifrice had comparable properties with commercial fluoride calcium silicate/phosphate or magnesium aluminum silicate dentifrices.
Keywords: Dentin; Remineralization; Surface microhardness; Tetracalcium phosphate/monetite; Toothpaste.
Copyright © 2017 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.