In present research the comparative analysis of donor chimerism (DC) using different tests was performed to improve the diagnostic tool in patients with malignant hematological disorders after allo-HSCT. The RBC antigen typing, identification of ABO blood type and quantitative analysis of InDel-, STR-, Y-polymorphisms were carried out for detection of DC. In addition, the expression of well-known oncogenes and CD-markers for monitoring MRD was evaluated to predict relapse and clinical outcome. According to our research, the analysis of InDel polymorphism using AlleleSEQR-PCR is more sensitive test for estimation of DC as compared with other assays. Moreover, the sensitivity of AlleleSEQR-PCR may be increased after isolation of the CD34 cell population in bone marrow. Nevertheless, observation of high levels in DC (³95%) in some leukemia patients (ALL, Ph+, bcr-abl/p190+) during first 6 months after HSCT cannot exclude the possibility of relapse. Thus, the combined monitoring of both DC (InDel) and MRD (oncogenes, WT1 and CD-markers) is a more advisable and useful test in managing hematologic malignancies and predicting relapse risk after allo-HSCT.
S tsel'iu uluchsheniia diagnostiki u onkogematologicheskikh patsientov v posttransplantatsionnyĭ period provodili kompleksnoe issledovanie biomarkerov-misheneĭ donorskogo khimerizma (DKh) s ispol'zovaniem neskol'kikh testov. Vyiavlenie biomarkerov DKh vkliuchalo fenotipirovanie antigenov éritrotsitov s identifikatsiĭ gruppy krovi, a takzhe opredelenie polimorfizma InDel-, STR-, Y-lokusov DNK. Krome togo, dopolnitel'no vypolniali analiz biomarkerov minimal'noĭ ostatochnoĭ bolezni (MOB), sostoiashchiĭ iz obnaruzheniia khromosomnykh aberratsiĭ, ékspressii onkogenov i CD-markerov. Pokazano, chto naibolee chuvstvitel'nym metodom otsenki DKh iavliaetsia analiz polimorfizma InDel-lokusov DNK s ispol'zovaniem kolichestvennoĭ PTsR (AlleleSEQR-PCR). Pri étom tochnost' testirovaniia mozhet byt' povyshena posle selektirovaniia kletok-predshestvennits CD34 iz kostnogo mozga s ispol'zovaniem protochnoĭ tsitometrii. Tem ne menee, obnaruzhenie povyshennykh urovneĭ DKh (³95%) u nekotorykh bol'nykh leĭkozom, v chastnosti, pri OLL (Ph+, bcr-abl/190+), v techenie pervykh 6 mesiatsev posle allo-TGSK, ne iskliuchaet razvitiia retsidivov. Poétomu, vypolnenie kombinirovannogo analiza biomarkerov-misheneĭ DKh (InDel) i MOB (onkogeny, WT1, CD-markery) u bol'nykh onkogematologicheskimi zabolevaniiami posle allo-TGSK iavliaetsia bolee tselesoobraznym. Éto pozvoliaet éffektivnee kontrolirovat' techenie zabolevaniia i prognozirovat' razvitie retsidivov v posttransplantatsionnyĭ period.
Keywords: MRD; donor chimerism; leukemia; monitoring; transplantation.