Full field digital mammography (FFDM) is the current pillar of breast cancer screening program. However, the emerging technique digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) has demonstrated a significant increase in the sensibility of cancer detection in several large cohort trials. DBT is particularly helpful for young patients, dense breasts and soft masses due to its ability to reduce overlapping of tissue. In such a population of women, radiologists are more confident and the recall rates are reduced together with a higher positive predictive value. To reduce the breast absorbed doses of screened women and facilitate the workflow, a synthetized two-dimensional (2D) digital mammography (sDM) is obtained from DBT to replace the FFDM. No significant differences regarding detection of anomalies have been reported with respect to FFDM. These results validate a modern strategy for breast cancer screening supported by two views of DBT with sDM. In terms of mean absorbed doses, this strategy is around 1.5 mGy/view and almost equivalent to FFDM. In Europe, major limitations to such evolution are public health policies especially agreements and reimbursement for the technique being used in organized screening.
Keywords: breast cancer; breast density; digital breast tomosynthesis; female; mammography.