This study aims to evaluate endplate/cortex fracture (ECF)-based method for detecting osteoporotic vertebral fracture (VF) in elderly Chinese population (age ≥ 65 years). The radiographs of 1954 elderly Chinese men (mean: 72.3 years) and 1953 elderly Chinese women (mean: 72.5 years) were evaluated according to Genant's morphometrical vertebral deformity (VD) severity criteria, as well as identified VF according to ECF without necessary requirement of VD. According to ECF, grade-1, -2, and -3 VF prevalence was 1.89%, 1.74%, and 2.25% in men, and 3.33%, 3.07%, and 5.89% in women, respectively. In men and women, 15.7% (35 of 223) and 34.5% (48 of 139) of vertebrae with VD grade-1 deformity were ECF(+, with fracture), respectively. In men and women, 89.7% (35 of 39) and 66.7% (48 of 72) of vertebrae with ECF grade-1 fracture had VD grade-1 deformity. For grade-1 change, ECF(+) subjects tended to have a lower BMD than the VD(+) subjects. In subjects with VD grade-2 deformity, those who were also EC (+) tended to have a lower BMD than those were ECF(-). In all grades, VD(-) and ECF(-) subjects tended to have highest BMD, whereas VD(+) and ECF(+) subjects tended to have lowest BMD. ECF may be more specific for assessing mild VF than the criteria based on vertebral deformity.
Keywords: bone mineral density; epidemiology; osteoporosis; prevalence; vertebral fractures.
Copyright © 2017 The International Society for Clinical Densitometry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.