The aim of the EpiTer-2 study was to analyse patient characteristics and their medication for HCV infection in Poland at the beginning of the interferon-free era. Analysis of data of HCV infected patients treated during the initial period of availability of interferon-free regimens in Poland, who started therapy after 1 July 2015 and had available an efficacy evaluation report before 30 June 2017 was undertaken. A total of 2879 patients with chronic hepatitis C were entered, including 46% with liver cirrhosis. The most common was genotype 1b (86.8%). The study population was gender balanced, the majority of patients were overweight or obese and 69% presented comorbidities, with the highest prevalence that for hypertension. More than half of patients were retreated due to failure of previous therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Almost two-third of patients received current therapy with ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir±dasabuvir (OPrD) ±ribavirin. Other patients received mostly sofosbuvir-based regimens including combination with ledipasvir and pegylated interferon and ribavirin for genotype 3-infected patients. Efficacy of treatment in the whole study population measured as intent-to-treat analysis was 95%. The most frequent regimen, administered for patients infected with genotype 1b, was 12 weeks of OPrD, resulting in an SVR rate of 98%. At least one adverse event was reported in 38% of patients, and the death rate was 0.8%. In conclusion, data from the EpiTer-2 study confirmed the excellent efficacy and safety profile of the real-world experience with recently introduced therapeutic options for genotype 1 HCV infection, but demonstrated weakness of the current therapeutic programme regarding genotype 3 infections.
Keywords: liver cirrhosis; sustained virologic response; therapy; viral hepatitis C.
© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.