Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) screens are powerful tools to probe genetic dependencies in loss-of-function studies, such as the identification of therapeutic targets in cancer research. Lentivirally delivered shRNAs embedded in endogenous microRNA contexts (shRNAmiRs) mediate efficient long-term suppression of target genes suitable for numerous experimental contexts and clinical applications. Here, an easy-to-use laboratory protocol is described, covering the design and pooled assembly of focused shRNAmiR libraries into an optimized, Tet-inducible all-in-one lentiviral vector, packaging of viral particles, followed by retrieval and quantification of hairpin sequences after cellular DNA-recovery. Starting from a gene list to the identification of hits, the protocol enables shRNA screens within 6 weeks.
Keywords: RNAi; conditional RNAi; lentiviral vector; shRNA Library; shRNA screen.