Urology is defined as the medical-surgical specialty that includes the study, diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions of the urinary system. It is well specified by the National Commission of Specialties that we must know the medical pathology that concerns us. However, on occasions, resident training focuses on the surgical field and oncological pathology, which, although one of the main pillars of the specialty, is usually to the detriment of training in medical and functional pathology. We conducted a survey of residents in the fourth year of Urology in Spain, where we asked about the quality of training in Andrology and Functional Urology. The average rotation time is 3.5 months in each unit. Only 20% consider that their training is satisfactory and sufficient in Andrology. Seventy-five percent of residents surveyed believe that their training in Functional Urology is acceptable or sufficient, both medical and surgical. There are numerous fields of action to improve the training of residents and young urologists in this country in the management of urological medical pathology. The future is open, and it is in our hand to set up a training for urology residents within excellence and to be recognized both nationally and internationally as one of the great pillars of Spanish Urology. In this chapter we will analyze the current situation in the training of Spanish Urology Residents in urological medical pathology, and we will focus on training in functional urology and andrology.