Objective: To investigate the application of virtual reality technology in the preoperative evaluation of complex head and neck carcinoma and he value of virtual reality technology in surgical treatment of head and neck carcinoma. Methods: The image data of eight patients with complex head and neck carcinoma treated from December 2016 to May 2017 was acquired. The data were put into virtual reality system to built the three-dimensional anatomical model of carcinoma and to created the surgical scene. The process of surgery was stimulated by recognizing the relationship between tumor and surrounding important structures. Finally all patients were treated with surgery. And two typical cases were reported. Results: With the help of virtual reality, surgeons could adequately assess the condition of carcinoma and the security of operation and ensured the safety of operations. Conclusions: Virtual reality can provide the surgeons with the sensory experience in virtual surgery scenes and achieve the man-computer cooperation and stereoscopic assessment, which will ensure the safety of surgery. Virtual reality has a huge impact on guiding the traditional surgical procedure of head and neck carcinoma.
目的: 运用虚拟现实技术对头颈部复杂肿瘤患者进行术前评估,初步探讨虚拟现实技术在其外科治疗中的价值。 方法: 采集2016年12月至2017年5月8例头颈部复杂肿瘤患者的影像数据,输入虚拟现实系统,构建肿瘤及邻近头颈部结构的三维解剖模型,创建虚拟手术场景。通过了解肿瘤与周围重要结构的关系,模拟手术进程。所有患者均进行手术治疗,并选取其中2例典型病例进行报道。 结果: 在虚拟现实技术的帮助下,外科医生对患者肿瘤情况及手术安全性能够进行充分地评估。 结论: 虚拟现实技术为外科医生提供了虚拟手术场景中感官的体验,实现了人机的交互、立体的评估,保障了手术过程的安全。对传统的头颈肿瘤外科的手术指导产生了巨大的影响,其潜在的应用价值还需进一步探索。.
Keywords: Head and neck neoplasms; Surgical procedures, operative; Virtual reality technology.