Objective: To understand the characteristics of malaria prevalence in Sichuan Province from 2012 to 2014, so as to provide evidences for improving the work of malaria elimination.
Methods: The epidemiological data of malaria cases in Sichuan Province were collected from the Disease Surveillance Information Reporting System of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and analyzed with the descriptive epidemiological method.
Results: A total of 690 imported malaria cases were reported in Sichuan Province from 2012 to 2014. In detail, 54.49% (376/690) were falciparum malaria cases, 42.03% (290/690) were vivax malaria cases, 0.58% (4/690) were malariae malaria cases, 1.88% (13/690) were ovale malaria cases, and 1.01% (7/690) were mixed infection cases with Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum. Among them, five cases died. Totally 671 malaria cases were infected overseas, accounting for 97.25% of the total cases. Among which, 517 patients returned from Africa and 138 patients returned from Southeast Asia. There were malaria cases reported in the whole year, and 185 cases were reported in May and June, accounting for 26.81% of the total cases. The cases distributed in 20 prefecture-level cities in the whole province, and there were 137 and 105 ones reported in Guangan and Chengdu, respectively, which accounted for 35.07% of the total cases.
Conclusions: The number of patients with overseas imported malaria in Sichuan Province increases year by year, and therefore effective measures should be carried out to control the overseas imported malaria.
[摘要]目的 分析2012–2014年四川省疟疾流行特点, 为本省消除疟疾工作提供参考依据。方法 资料来自中国疾 病预防控制中心疾病监测信息报告管理系统, 采用描述性流行病学方法, 分析四川省疟疾病例的流行病学特点。结果 2012–2014年四川省共输入疟疾病例690例, 其中恶性疟376例 (54.49%) 、间日疟290例 (42.03%) 、三日疟4例 (0.58%) 、 卵形疟13例 (1.88%) 、混合感染7例 (1.01%) 、死亡5例。境外感染671例, 占全部输入病例的97.25%, 其中非洲输入517 例, 东南亚输入138例。全年均有病例报告, 其中5月和6月共报告病例185例, 占26.81%。病例分布于20个市 (州), 广 安和成都病例较多, 分别报告137例和105例, 2市病例数占全省病例总数的35.07%。结论 四川省境外输入性疟疾病 例逐年增多, 应全面加强境外输入性疟疾的防控工作。.
Keywords: Epidemic situation; Epidemiological characteristics; Imported case; Malaria; Sichuan Province.