Little research has evaluated whether conflicting evidence for gender and racial/ethnic differences in nicotine dependence (ND) may be attributed to differences in psychometric properties of ND symptoms, particularly for young Hispanic smokers. Inadequate racial/ethnic diversity and limited smoking exposure variability has hampered research in young smokers. We used integrative data analysis (IDA) to pool DSM-IV ND symptom data for current smokers aged 12-25 (N = 20,328) from three nationally representative surveys (1999, 2000 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and Wave 1 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). Moderated nonlinear factor analysis (MNLFA) tested symptom measurement invariance in the pooled sample containing greater ethnic and smoking exposure variability. There was study noninvariance for most symptoms. NESARC participants were more likely to report tolerance, using larger amounts or for longer periods, inability to cut down/quit, and more time spent smoking at higher levels of ND severity, but reported emotional/physical health problems at lower ND severity. Four symptoms showed gender or race/ethnicity noninvariance, but observed differences were small. An ND severity factor score adjusting for symptom noninvariance related to study membership, gender, and race/ethnicity did not differ substantively from traditional DSM-IV diagnosis and number of endorsed symptoms in estimated gender and race/ethnicity differences in ND. Results were consistent with studies finding minimal gender and racial/ethnic differences in ND, and suggest that symptom noninvariance is not a major contributor to observed differences. Results support IDA as a potentially promising approach for testing novel ND hypotheses not possible in independent studies.
Keywords: Gender; Integrative data analysis; Nicotine dependence; Race/ethnicity.