Iron is a life-supporting micronutrient that is required in the human diet, and is essential for maintaining physiological homeostasis. Properly harnessing a redox-active metal such as iron is a great challenge for cells and organisms because an excess of highly reactive iron catalyzes the formation of reactive oxygen species and can lead to cell and tissue damage. Quercetin is a typical flavonoid that is commonly found in fruits and vegetables and has versatile biological effects. From a classical viewpoint, owing to its unique chemical characteristics, quercetin has long been associated with iron metabolism only in the context of its iron-chelating and ROS-scavenging activities. However, within the field of human iron biology, expanding concepts of the roles of quercetin are flourishing, and great strides are being made in understanding the interactions between quercetin and iron. This progress highlights the varied roles of quercetin in iron metabolism, which involve much more than iron chelation alone. A review of these studies provides an ideal context to summarize recent progress and discuss compelling evidence for therapeutic opportunities that could arise from a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.
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