Objective: To investigate the histopathologic characteristics of concurrent splenic and liver masses in dogs undergoing splenectomy and liver mass biopsy/resection. Medical records of 125 client-owned dogs found to have splenic mass or masses and a liver mass or masses during surgery were examined. Signalment (age, sex, breed), body weight, and results of histopathology were recorded for all dogs.
Results: Twenty-seven percent (34/125) of the dogs in this study had no evidence of malignancy in either the liver or the spleen. Sixty of 125 dogs (48.0%) had malignancy in the spleen and liver, and 56 (56/60, 93.3%) of those dogs had the same malignancy in both organs. Signalment was similar to that in other reports of splenic pathology. In this clinical population of dogs, 27% of dogs with concurrent gross splenic and liver masses discovered intraoperatively had benign lesions in both locations and therefore had a favorable prognosis.
Keywords: Canine biopsies; Dog biopsies; Hemangiosarcoma; Hepatic mass; Histopathology; Splenic mass.