Neural tube defects (NTD) occur in 0.5 to 2 per 1000 pregnancies with various handicaps for the affected child. It is now well established that folic acid deficiency (absolute or relative) is a predisposing factor to this type of malformation. Several randomized controlled trials showed that high-dose folic acid (4mg) is an essential factor for prevention of neural tube defects recurrence and significantly prevents the first occurrence of neural tube defects with a lower dose (0.4mg). Other etiologies can favor the occurrence of NTD such as MTHFR polymorphism, some antiepileptic therapies, obesity and pregestational mellitus diabetes. Necessity of a preconception folic acid supplementation or at least folate nutritional status evaluation should be known for all of us including patients and public.
Keywords: Acide folique; Anomalies du tube neural; Folates; Folic acid; Grossesse; Neural tube defects; Pregnancy.
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