[Quality control study of engineered skin tissue]

Biomed Khim. 2018 Jan;64(1):10-15. doi: 10.18097/PBMC20186401010.
[Article in Russian]


OMERO service was used to annotate the cell line HaCaT microscope images by two independent expert groups. The images were obtained in the course of developing tissue-engineered epithelium which consisted of several layers of the keratinocytes. Evaluation of expert opinions was performed by calculation of specificity, sensitivity and accuracy. The best convergence of opinions (91%) was achieved for the confluence of the cell monolayers. Accuracy 70% was observed in determining the extent of cell differentiation after 10 days of incubation. The paper illustrates the usefulness of OMERO service for dynamic cross-validation of quality in the development and standardization of cell preparations.

Dlia annotirovaniia mikroskopicheskikh izobrazheniĭ kletok linii HaCaT dvumia nezavisimymi ékspertnymi gruppami byla ispol'zovana platforma OMERO. Izobrazheniia byli polucheny v protsesse polucheniia tkane-inzhenernogo épiteliia, sostoiashchego iz neskol'kikh sloev keratinotsitov. Otsenku ékspertnykh zakliucheniĭ provodili putem rascheta spetsifichnosti, chuvstvitel'nosti i tochnosti. Nailuchshaia skhodimost' mneniĭ ékspertov (91%) byla dostignuta pri otsenke konfliuéntnosti monosloia kletok. Tochnost' 70% nabliudalas' pri opredelenii stepeni differentsiatsii kletok posle 10 dneĭ inkubatsii. Obsuzhdaetsia poleznost' platformy OMERO dlia dinamicheskoĭ perekrestnoĭ proverki kachestva pri razrabotke i standartizatsii kletochnykh preparatov.

Keywords: HaCaT keratinocytes; OMERO; reconstructed human epidermis; skin model.

MeSH terms

  • Cell Differentiation
  • Keratinocytes
  • Quality Control
  • Skin*
  • Tissue Engineering