[Possibility of application of extracellular protease of micromycet Aspergillus ochraceus VKM F-4104D for determination of protein C content in human blood plasma]

Biomed Khim. 2018 Jan;64(1):115-118. doi: 10.18097/PBMC20186401115.
[Article in Russian]


It was shown that the activator activity of protein C, determined in normal plasma using Aspergillus ochraceus protease, is comparable with the activity of commercial protease analogue from the South American copperhead venom (ProtacÒ). It was found that protease of A. ochraceus can be used to determine protein C in plasma with its reduced content similar to ProtacÒ. Comparison of the activator protein C activity of A. ochraceus protease and the commercial analogue showed some excess of the activator activity of the fungal preparation, which may make it a promising substitute for the snake activator in diagnostical kits for determining the protein C content in clinical laboratories.

Pokazano, chto aktivatornaia aktivnost' proteina S, opredelennaia v normal'noĭ plazme s ispol'zovaniem proteazy Aspergillus ochraceus, sravnima s aktivnost'iu kommercheskogo analoga – proteazy iz iada iuzhno-amerikanskogo shchitomordnika (preparat ProtacÒ). Vyiavleno, chto analogichno preparatu ProtacÒ proteaza A. ochraceus mozhet byt' ispol'zovana dlia opredeleniia soderzhaniia proteina S v plazme s ego ponizhennym soderzhaniem. Sravnenie aktivatornoĭ k proteinu S aktivnosti proteazy A. ochraceus i kommercheskogo analoga iz iada zmei pokazalo nekotoroe prevyshenie aktivatornoĭ aktivnosti “gribnogo” preparata, chto mozhet sdelat' ego perspektivnym zamenitelem zmeinogo aktivatora v diagnostikumakh dlia opredeleniia soderzhaniia proteina S v klinicheskikh laboratoriiakh.

Keywords: activators of protein C; diagnosis of protein C; proteases of micromycetes.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Aspergillus ochraceus*
  • Endopeptidases
  • Humans
  • Protein C


  • Protein C
  • Endopeptidases