Lipid emulsions have been associated with liver injury. Newer mixed emulsions (ML), such as SMOFlipid (Fresenius Kabi, Germany), are thought to be more hepatoprotective than soybean-based emulsions (SL), such as Intralipid (Baxter). Pediatric studies comparing long-term use between the 2 are limited. This study compares the severity of hepatic injury between a prospective cohort of hospitalized children on ML (n = 20) and a historical age- and diagnosis-matched cohort of hospitalized children on SL (n = 20). Median exposure to ML and SL were 10 versus 6 weeks (P = 0.030), respectively, at similar median lipid doses (2.2 vs 2.1 g · kg · day). Using a generalized estimating equations approach, conjugated bilirubin trajectory was found to be lower in patients on ML compared with SL (P < 0.001), suggesting that prolonged exposure (≥4 weeks) to ML is associated with decreased liver injury compared with SL in hospitalized children.