Objective To understand the malaria epidemic situation in Chengdu City, so as to provide the evidence for effectively carrying out the malaria elimination work. Methods The data of imported malaria in Chengdu City from 2012 to 2016 were collected from the Disease Surveillance Information Reporting System of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and analyzed respectively. Results A total of 240 imported malaria cases were reported in Chengdu City from 2012 to 2016. In detail, 68.75% of the cases were falciparum malaria cases, 20.41% were vivax malaria cases, 2.50% were quartan malaria cases, 6.25% were ovale malaria cases, and 2.08% were mixed Plasmodium infections. Among them three patients died, with a mortality of 1.25%. All of the cases were infected overseas, among which 224 patients returned from Africa and 16 patients from Southeast Asia. The annual average morbidity was 0.28/100 000, and there was a significantly difference among annual average morbidities (χ2 = 23.87, P < 0.001). There were malaria cases reported in every month, and no significantly difference among seasons (χ2 = 0.833, P > 0.05). Conclusion The number of overseas imported malaria in Chengdu City increases year by year. The effective measures to control the overseas imported malaria should be strengthened to consolidate the achievements of malaria elimination.
[摘要]目的 了解成都市疟疾疫情状况, 为有针对性地开展消除疟疾工作提供科学依据。方法 对2012–2016年成都市报告的输入性疟疾病例数据进行回顾性分析。结果 2012–2016年成都市报告疟疾病例全部为输入性病例, 共240 例, 其中恶性疟 165 例 (68.75%)、间日疟 49 例 (20.41%)、三日疟 6 例 (2.50%)、卵形疟 16 例 (6.25%)、混合感染 5 例 (2.08%), 死亡3例, 病死率为1.25%; 自非洲输入224例, 东南亚输入16例。平均年发病率为0.28/10万, 年间发病率差异有统计学意义 (χ2 = 23.87, P < 0.001)。各月份均有病例报告, 无明显季节性 (χ2 = 0.833, P > 0.05)。结论 成都市境外输入性疟疾病例呈上升趋势, 应加强对境外输入性疟疾的防控工作, 巩固消除疟疾成果。 [关键词]疟疾; 输入性病例; 疫情; 成都市.
Keywords: Chengdu City; Epidemic situation; Imported case; Malaria.