Background: Efficacy of a physician-controlled wire-guided cannulation of the bile duct has been reported. This study aimed to evaluate a novel sphincterotome with a short tip and a short wire, which can be bowed compactly compared to conventional sphincterotomes.
Methods: This was a single-arm, single-center, prospective study. We enrolled patients with choledocholithiasis and/or obstructive jaundice and/or cholangitis for whom endoscopic sphincterotomy was planned. The main outcome measurement was the proportion of successful selective bile duct cannulation by physician-controlled wire-guided cannulation within 10 min.
Results: The study cohort consisted of 40 patients. The proportion of successful selective bile duct cannulation within 10 min was 72.5% (n = 29). The proportion of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis was 2.5% (mild, n = 1) and the proportion of hemorrhage was 2.5% (moderate, n = 1).
Conclusions: Although physician-controlled wire-guided cannulation using a novel sphincterotome with a short tip and a short wire was not superior to wire-guided cannulation using conventional sphincterotomes reported in a previous study, it remains a safe and efficacious alternative in terms of successful biliary cannulation.
Keywords: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; Novel sphincterotome; Physician-controlled wire-guided cannulation; Selective bile duct cannulation.