Herbs can be used preventatively, to aid treatment and to ease the symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Traditional medicine uses herbal infusions such as: lingonberry leaf (Vitis idaeae folium), birch leaf (Betulaefolium) wild thyme extract (Serpylli herba), dwarf everlast flower (Helichrysi inflorescentia), goldenrod (Virgauneae herba, also called Solidaginis herba), restharrow root (Ononidis radix), agrimony (Agrimoniae herba), rowanberry (Sorbi aucupariae fructus), black elderberry (Sambuci fructus), and juniper berry (Juniperifrictus). This study examined which of the herbal infusions used in treatment and reduction of symptoms of UTIs have the greatest efficacy, and at which concentration levels (5.85 mg/mL; 0.59 mg/mL; 0.29 mg/mL). The results obtained suggest that the Microtox test can be successfully used to assess the healing properties of herbal infusions. The results of the experiments carried out using the Microtox test show that both in preventative medicine, as well as in aiding treatment of UTIs, the biggest benefit is brought by herbal infusions of wild thyme extract and birch leaf (at all concentrations), and also by infusions at higher concentrations (approx. 5.85 mg/mL) of agrimony, dwarf everlast flower, lingonberry leaf, artichoke herb, goldenrod, and juniper berry.