Introduction: The National Commission for the Early Detection of Hearing Loss (CODEPEH) recommends the re-evaluation of hearing in children who have suffered any potentially harmful event, such as the prescription of ototoxic antibiotics such as gentamicin. The evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAE) are a good method for assessing the integrity of cochlear functionality.
Material and method: A prospective study is presented, including 92 children who were treated with intravenous gentamicin for septic risk/sepsis or urinary tract infection. The children underwent serial EOAE: on admission, at the end of treatment and one month later (if altered on discharge).
Results: In the end, none of the subjects were affected by the treatment.
Conclusion: Gentamicin appears to be a safe antibiotic in treatments lasting <10days and at the doses described. EOAE are an inexpensive, fast, non-invasive and reliable method to check for gentamicin ototoxicity. This could save in the determination of drug levels.
Keywords: Gentamicin; Gentamicina; Hearing loss; Otoacoustic emissions; Otoemisiones acústicas; Ototoxicidad; Ototoxicity; Sordera.
Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.