Hexagonal turbostratic birnessite, with the characteristics of high contents of vacancies, varying amounts of structural and adsorbed Mn3+, and small particle size, undergoes strong adsorption reactions with trace metal (TM) contaminants. While the interactions of TM, i.e., Zn2+, with birnessite are well understood, the effect of birnessite structural characteristics on the coordination and stability of Zn2+ on the mineral surfaces under proton attack is as yet unclear. In the present study, the effects of a series of synthesized hexagonal turbostratic birnessites with different Mn average oxide states (AOSs) on the coordination geometry of adsorbed Zn2+ and its stability under acidic conditions were investigated. With decreasing Mn AOS, birnessite exhibits smaller particle sizes and thus larger specific surface area, higher amounts of layer Mn3+ and thus longer distances for the first MnO and MnMn shells, but a low quantity of available vacancies and thus low adsorption capacity for Zn2+. Zn K-edge EXAFS spectroscopy demonstrates that birnessite with low Mn AOS has smaller adsorption capacity but more tetrahedral Zn (IVZn) complexes on vacancies than octahedral (VIZn) complexes, and Zn2+ is more unstable under acidic conditions than that adsorbed on birnessite with high Mn AOS. High Zn2+ loading favors the formation of VIZn complexes over IVZn complexes, and the release of Zn2+ is faster than at low loading. These results will deepen our understanding of the interaction mechanisms of various TMs with natural birnessites, and the stability and thus the potential toxicity of heavy metal pollutants sequestered by engineered nano-sized metal oxide materials.
Keywords: Birnessite; Coordination; EXAFS; Stability; Zn(2+).
Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.