Background: Accelerometer-based technologies could be useful in providing objective measures of canine ambulation, but most are either not tailored to the idiosyncrasies of canine gait, or, use un-validated or closed source approaches. The aim of this paper was to validate algorithms which could be applied to accelerometer data for i) counting the number of steps and ii) distance travelled by a dog. To count steps, an approach based on partitioning acceleration was used. This was applied to accelerometer data from 13 dogs which were walked a set distance and filmed. Each footfall captured on video was annotated. In a second experiment, an approach based on signal features was used to estimate distance travelled. This was applied to accelerometer data from 10 dogs with osteoarthritis during normal walks with their owners where GPS (Global Positioning System) was also captured. Pearson's correlations and Bland Altman statistics were used to compare i) the number of steps measured on video footage and predicted by the algorithm and ii) the distance travelled estimated by GPS and predicted by the algorithm.
Results: Both step count and distance travelled could be estimated accurately by the algorithms presented in this paper: 4695 steps were annotated from the video and the pedometer was able to detect 91%. GPS logged a total of 20,184 m meters across all dogs; the mean difference between the predicted and GPS estimated walk length was 211 m and the mean similarity was 79%.
Conclusions: The algorithms described show promise in detecting number of steps and distance travelled from an accelerometer. The approach for detecting steps might be advantageous to methods which estimate gross activity because these include energy output from stationary activities. The approach for estimating distance might be suited to replacing GPS in indoor environments or others with limited satellite signal. The algorithms also allow for temporal and spatial components of ambulation to be calculated. Temporal and spatial aspects of dog ambulation are clinical indicators which could be used for diagnosis or monitoring of certain diseases, or used to provide information in support of canine weight-loss programmes.
Keywords: Accelerometer; Activity level; Dog; GPS; Motion analysis; Step counting.