It is about half a century ago when the so-called "Wise model" to study alcohol drinking behavior in rats was established. The model was based on voluntary intermittent access to increasing concentrations of alcohol. We aimed to establish a model of alcohol craving and used an extinction test on withdrawal days 1 and 10 to study motivation for alcohol. For this purpose, the alcohol drinking training was paired with light cues to establish conditioning. The extinction test was carried out without alcohol but in the presence of light cues and empty bottles. The outcome measures were number of visits, nosepokes, and licks in the conditioned corner where the number of nosepokes represents how much mice "want" alcohol and number of licks shows how much mice "like" alcohol. The number of nosepokes during withdrawal is a measure of craving. Late withdrawal craving was found when intermittent alcohol access was carried out in the automated cages. In this case, we observed a significant increase in the number of nosepokes on both withdrawal days 1 and 10 as compared to water control. The number of nosepokes in the withdrawal days did not correlate with alcohol dose, but number of nosepokes on withdrawal day 1 correlated with the number of nosepokes on the last training day. Although we did not observe incubation of alcohol craving after withdrawal, the craving was increased at the late time point. We conclude that we have established a new tool to study alcohol drinking behavior and craving in female mice.
Keywords: Alcohol addiction; Conditional stimuli; Craving; IntelliCage; Intermittent alcohol access; Social interaction.
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