Objectives: Staining with toluidine blue is a well-established procedure for the histological assessment of cartilaginous- and chondrogenic-differentiated tissues. Being a cationic dye, toluidine blue staining visualizes proteoglycans in a tissue because of its high affinity for the sulfate groups in proteoglycans. It is generally accepted that metachromatic staining with toluidine blue represents cartilaginous matrix and that the degree of positive staining corresponds with the amount of proteoglycans.
Design: Articular cartilage and pellets of chondrocytes or bone marrow stromal cells were analyzed with a standardized staining procedure for toluidine blue.
Results: In the present study, we illustrate why such an assumption is invalid unless a detailed description of the procedure and/or reference to a detailed published method are provided. This is because the staining specificity and intensity depend, as we have shown, on the pH of the staining solution, the use of dehydration, and on staining time.
Conclusions: We can, therefore, suggest a well-controlled standardized protocol for toluidine blue staining, which provides an easy and simple selective staining technique for the assessment of cartilage tissue and proteoglycan development in chondrogenic differentiation. If this procedure is not used, then investigators must provide sufficient technical information concerning the staining protocol to allow an assessment of the validity of the staining results.
Keywords: cartilage tissue; metachromasia; toluidine blue.