We report here the complete genome sequence of a bipartite virus, herein denoted WLPRV/human/BRA/TO-34/201, from a sample collected in 2015 from a two-year-old child in Brazil presenting acute gastroenteritis. The virus has 98-99% identity (segments 2 and 1, respectively) with the Wuhan large pig roundworm virus (unclassified RNA virus) that was recently discovered in the stomachs of pigs from China. This is the first report of a Wuhan large pig roundworm virus detected in human specimens, and the second genome described worldwide. However, the generation of more sequence data and further functional studies are required to fully understand the ecology, epidemiology, and evolution of this new unclassified virus.
Keywords: Brazil; Gastroenteritis; Metagenomic; Virus discovery; Wuhan large pig roundworm virus.