Background and purpose: Stent retrievers are recognized as the most effective devices for intracranial thrombectomy. Although highly effective, such devices fail in clot removal when the brain vessel occlusion is due to organized, firm clots. The mechanism of failure is that during the retrieval, devices remain compressed by the organized clot and slide between it and the vessel wall without any removal effect. The aim of the current study is to present the preclinical evaluation of the Neva™ device, a novel stent retriever designed to improve the incorporation and removal of organized thrombi.
Materials and methods: Preclinical evaluation of the Neva™ device was divided in three main chapters: efficacy analysis, mechanical analysis and safety analysis. Efficacy and mechanical analysis aimed to investigate the behavior during the retrieval of the Neva™ device and its interaction with experimental organized clots. Safety analysis was conducted on animals in order to investigate the effect of the Neva™ device on real arteries after simulated thrombectomy maneuvers.
Results: Neva™ device showed a high rate of "optimal clot integration" and "effective clot removal" which was related to constant cohesion to the vessel wall during retrievals. Safety analysis showed as the most frequent finding the disruption of the intima of the tested vessels with, in some cases, minimal disruption of the internal elastic lamina.
Conclusions: The Neva™ device has demonstrated safety and efficacy in a pre-clinical study. Such encouraging, preliminary results have to be compared with those of clinical trials.
Keywords: Ischemic stroke; Mechanical thrombectomy; Stent retriever.
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