Introduction: Access to laparoscopy is low in Cameroon where customers' satisfaction has not been reported so far. We assessed patients' satisfaction with the process of care during laparoscopic surgery in a new tertiary hospital.
Methods: A questionnaire was addressed to consenting patients (guardians for patients under 18) with complete medical records who underwent laparoscopy at the Douala Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital (Cameroon) from November 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016. The following modified Likert's scale was used to assess satisfaction: very weak: 0-2.5; weak 2.6-5; good: 5.1-7.5; very good: 7.6-10. Only descriptive statistics were used.
Results: Response rate was 90% (45/50). Of the 45 respondents, 39 (86.7%) were female, 14(31.1%) were referred and 39 (86.7%) paid by direct cash deposit. Mean age was 36.8±11.9 years. Laparoscopies were carried out in emergency for 3 (6.7%) patients. Digestive abnormalities indicated 13 (28.9%) laparoscopies while gynaecologic diseases accounted for 32 (71.1%) cases. Perception of the overall care process was good with a mean satisfaction score of 6.8 ± 1.4. Scores in categories were: 0% (Very weak); 13.3% (weak); 57.8% (good) and 28.9% (very good). Specifically mean satisfaction scores were: 7.8 ± 1.0 with doctors' care; 7.1 ± 1.3 with hospital administration; 7.0 ± 1.2 with nursing and 4.7 ± 1.4 with the costs. Main complaints were: long waiting time (73.3%), constraining geographical access (66.7%) and expensiveness (48.9%).
Conclusion: Patients were globally satisfied with the process of care but financial and geographical barriers should be addressed.
Keywords: Laparoscopy; gynaecology; patients; satisfaction; surgery.