We studied the influence of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) infusion on the reflex increase in forearm vascular resistance in normotensive subjects. Reflex vasoconstriction was induced by cardiopulmonary receptor unloading [lower body negative pressure (LBNP), -20 mmHg for 15 min] or by carotid baroreceptor deactivation (+60 mmHg increase in external neck pressure by a pneumatic neck-chamber). Atrial natriuretic factor induced a significant increase in the reflex forearm vasoconstriction to LBNP, but did not modify systemic and regional reflex haemodynamic responses to carotid baroreceptor deactivation. These results suggest that ANF has important interactions with the neural control of peripheral circulation. In addition, the study shows that the peptide causes a selective potentiation of the reflex vasoconstrictor response evoked by cardiopulmonary receptor unloading.