Sulfur-Based Ylides in Transition-Metal-Catalysed Processes

Top Curr Chem (Cham). 2018 Apr 13;376(3):15. doi: 10.1007/s41061-018-0193-4.


Traditionally employed in the synthesis of small ring systems and rearrangement chemistry, sulfur-based ylides occupy a unique position in the toolbox of the synthetic organic chemist. In recent years a number of pioneering researchers have looked to expand the application of these unorthodox reagents through the use of transition metal catalysis. The strength and flexibility of such a combination have been shown to be of key importance in developing powerful novel methodologies. This chapter summarises recent developments in transition metal-catalysed sulfonium/sulfoxonium ylide reactions, as well as providing a historical perspective. In overviewing the successes in this area, the authors hope to encourage others into this growing field.

Keywords: Asymmetric catalysis; Historical perspective; One-carbon synthon; Recent developments; Sulfonium ylides; Sulfoxonium ylides; Transition metal catalysis.

Publication types

  • Review