Organisms store fatty acids in triacylglycerols in the form of lipid droplets, or hydrolyze triacylglycerols in response to energetic demands via activation of lipolytic or storage pathways. These pathways are complex sets of sequential reactions that are finely regulated in different cell types. Here we present a high spatial and temporal resolution-based method for the quantification of the turnover of fatty acids into triglycerides in live cells without introducing sample preparation artifacts. We performed confocal spectral imaging of intracellular micropolarity in cultured insulin secreting beta cells to detect micropolarity variations as they occur in time and at different pixels of microscope images. Acquired data are then analyzed in the framework of the spectral phasors technique. The method furnishes a metabolic parameter, which quantitatively assesses fatty acids - triacylglycerols turnover and the activation of lipolysis and storage pathways. Moreover, it provides a polarity profile, which represents the contribution of hyperpolar, polar and non-polar classes of lipids. These three different classes can be visualized on the image at a submicrometer resolution, revealing the spatial localization of lipids in cells under physiological and pathological settings. This new method allows for a fine-tuned, real-time visualization of the turnover of fatty acids into triglycerides in live cells with submicrometric resolution. It also detects imbalances between lipid storage and usage, which may lead to metabolic disorders within living cells and organisms.
Keywords: Beta cells; Fatty acids; Lipid droplets; Metabolic imaging; Spectral phasors; Triglycerides.
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