Objective: To explore the abilities of verbal and visual-spatial memory in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia.
Methods: Thirty-two children with developmental dyslexia (aged 8-12 years) and thirty-nine age- and gender-matched normal children were involved in the study. Their verbal short-term and verbal working memories were measured using the digit ordering and the digit span tests, respectively. Their visual-spatial short-term and visual-spatial working memories were examined using the forward and backward block-tapping tests, respectively.
Results: The DD children scored lower in the digit ordering and the digit span tests than the control children (P<0.05). The scores for the forward and backward block-tapping tests did not vary between the two groups (P>0.05).
Conclusions: The children with DD have the deficits in both verbal short-term memory and verbal working memory.
目的: 了解汉语发育性阅读障碍(DD)儿童语音与视空间的短时和工作记忆能力。
方法: 以32例8~12岁DD儿童和39例正常儿童为被试,采用经典的顺序和倒序背数测验测试其语音短时记忆和语音工作记忆,采用顺向和逆向方块图敲击测验测试其视觉短时记忆和视空间工作记忆。
结果: DD儿童顺序背数和倒序背数得分均低于正常儿童,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05);顺向敲击和逆向敲击得分与正常儿童差异均不具有统计学意义。
结论: 汉语DD儿童存在语音短时记忆和语音工作记忆缺陷。