The 2016-2017 epidemic of influenza A (H7N9) virus in China prompted concern that a genetic change may underlie increased virulence. Based on an evolutionary analysis of H7N9 viruses from all five outbreak waves, we find that additional subclades of the H7 and N9 genes have emerged. Our analysis indicates that H7N9 viruses inherited NP genes from co-circulating H7N9 instead of H9N2 viruses. Genotypic diversity among H7N9 viruses increased following wave I, peaked during wave III, and rapidly deceased thereafter with minimal diversity in wave V, suggesting that the viruses entered a relatively stable evolutionary stage. The ZJ11 genotype caused the majority of human infections in wave V. We suggest that the largest outbreak of wave V may be due to a constellation of genes rather than a single mutation. Therefore, continuous surveillance is necessary to minimize the threat of H7N9 viruses.
Keywords: NP gene; PB2 A588V; gene constellation; influenza A (H7N9) viruses; the fifth wave.
Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.