In the present study we investigated in adult male rats the effects of castration on Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Androstenedione (delta 4), Testosterone (T) and Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plasma levels: five days (group II), seven weeks (group III) and eleven weeks (group IV) after orchiectomy. The same hormone assays were performed in rats approximately 60 days of age which underwent a sham-operation for orchiectomy (group I). Our data show that five days following orchiectomy (group II) delta 4, T and DHT were decreased with respect to sham-operated rats. (Group I: delta 4: 83.3 +/- 14.9 (SEM) ng/dl (n = 12); T: 435.32 +/- 51.45 (n = 12); DHT: 51.47 +/- 6.54 (n = 12); Group II: delta 4: 44.81 +/- 6.09 (n = 12) P = 0.05; T: 25.54 +/- 2.88 (n = 12) P less than 0.01; DHT: 12.9 +/- 2.51 (n = 12) P less than 0.01). Seven weeks afterwards T and DHT remained significantly lower (group III: T: 54.37 +/- 12.21, n = 16) (P less than 0.01; DHT: 33.22 +/- 4.49 (n = 16) P less than 0.01) while eleven weeks after all steroids were significantly decreased with respect to the values observed in sham-operated rats. (Group IV) delta 4: 32.01 +/- 5.7 (n = 10) P less than 0.01: T: 27.29 +/- 7.05 (n = 10) P less than 0.01; DHT: 29.03: 5.34 (n = 10) P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)