Clinician educators at academic medical centers often lack the community, mentorship, and faculty development to support their missions around education scholarship and teaching. Inadequate support for clinician educators can lead to professional dissatisfaction and slowed academic advancement. In 2014, ASH conducted a needs assessment of medical school hematology course directors, hematology-oncology fellowship program directors, and other ASH members identified as educators to determine this community's desire for faculty development in medical education. These data furthered the development of an annual faculty development program for hematology educators offering an interactive curriculum and support for an educational scholarly project. The needs assessment indicated that over 70% of respondents would be personally interested in a faculty development opportunity for hematology educators and only 11% had previously participated in such a program. A steering committee designed an intervention blending didactics, interactive small group exercises, webinars, mentorship for a scholarly project, 360-degree feedback for each participant, and a forum to discuss common career development goals. Of 42 applicants, 20 participants were chosen for the inaugural workshop. Following successful execution of the workshop, participants reported significant increase in confidence in the knowledge, skills, and attitudes targeted by the curriculum. A series of follow-up webinars have been developed to deliver additional content not covered during the workshop and to continue mentorship relationships. The curriculum will be further refined based on feedback from faculty and participants. Long-term outcome measurement will include tracking all participants' publications and presentations, time to promotion, and involvement in national medical education initiatives.
Keywords: Faculty development; Graduate; Hematology; Medical education; Undergraduate.