Uptake of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits by Participants in a Home Visiting Program

Soc Work. 2018 Jul 1;63(3):244-251. doi: 10.1093/sw/swy022.


In 2015, over 15 percent of U.S. households with children were food insecure at some point during the year. The largest program created to address food insecurity in the United States is the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP). However, research has suggested that safety net programs such as SNAP may be underutilized by eligible families. This secondary data analysis examined receipt of SNAP benefits among 2,249 SNAP-eligible participants in a South Carolina home visiting program. Benefit status was obtained at program enrollment and six months post-enrollment. Results showed that 15.6 percent of home visiting program participants without SNAP benefits at program enrollment were receiving benefits by six months post-enrollment. Unmarried caregivers were least likely to obtain SNAP benefits. Programs such as home visiting can be important to ensuring that eligible families receive federal assistance promoting food security, and targeted efforts to overcome barriers to SNAP enrollment continue to be important.