Antibodies directed against the human T cell receptor or the closely associated CD3 molecule stimulate polyclonal T cell proliferation via mechanisms that mimic a primary immune response. We have investigated the requirement for IL-1 production in anti-CD3 (OKT3)-mediated mitogenesis using a Hodgkin's disease cell line (L428) as the accessory cell. L428 cells did not produce detectable IL-1 following stimulation with lipopolysaccharide or phorbol ester (PMA), nor did they transcribe detectable levels of mRNA for IL-1 alpha or beta after such treatment. Despite their inability to produce IL-1, as few as 1 X 10(4) L428 cells reconstituted the proliferative response of accessory cell-depleted T cells to anti-CD3. Although larger numbers of non-rosette-forming (E-) cells were required for maximal responsiveness to anti-CD3, the maximal degree of proliferation was higher with E- cells than with L428 cells. L428-mediated T cell proliferation did not result from residual accessory cells in the responding population or an allogeneic effect since L428 cells were also capable of providing accessory cell activity for the anti-CD3-dependent generation of IL-2 by the Jurkat T cell line. Although the mechanism by which L428 cells provide accessory functions remains incompletely characterized, the ability of anti-HLA-DR F(ab')2 fragments to completely abrogate L428 and monocyte-mediated anti-CD3 mitogenesis, despite the addition of exogenous IL-1, provides evidence for the participation HLA-DR molecules in this response. These data indicate that anti-CD3-induced proliferation of unprimed human T lymphocytes can occur independently of IL-1 production by accessory cells and may involve the participation of HLA-DR molecules.