A plasma exchange program for familial hypercholesterolaemia was started in 1982. Ten patients aged from 7 to 58 years were progressively included: 3 had an heterozygous form of the disease with ischaemic heart disease; 3 had an homozygous form with defective low density lipoprotein receptor activity, 4 had a receptor-negative homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia and had previously undergone portacaval shunt. During total plasma exchange against human albumin (470 sessions in 9 patients) low density lipoprotein cholesterol values, but also high density lipoprotein cholesterol values, decreased by 40 per cent. More recently, 5 patients had selective low density lipoprotein absorption on dextran sulfate column (Liposorber); 90 exchanges were performed. High density lipoprotein cholesterol values decreased by 55 per cent and high density lipoprotein cholesterol values by only 27 per cent. The patients' attitude to treatment was excellent, with less fatigue and better compliance.