Objective: To examine maternity providers' recommendations for pregnant women with vulvodynia regarding management of vulvar pain and postpartum care, and to examine if, and how, a woman's chronic vulvar pain affects providers' examination and management during labour.
Methods: This research was part of a larger study that invited physicians and midwives to answer a questionnaire regarding pregnancy and childbirth care in women with vulvodynia. To achieve the current objectives, the questionnaire included both dichotomous (yes or no) and open-ended items. The current sample (n = 116) consisted of 75 physicians and 41 midwives.
Results: Over 60% of the sample reported making recommendations for vulvar pain management during pregnancy, and 32.8% of providers reported making special postpartum care recommendations for women with vulvodynia. Differences between physicians and midwives were noted for some of these recommendations. For example, to manage vulvar pain, only physicians recommended the use of/change in medications (P <0.001) and only midwives recommended complementary medicines (P = 0.02) and the use of lubricants (P = 0.006) and made recommendations for sexual well-being (P = 0.02). The majority of the sample (75%) reported that a woman having vulvodynia affected labour examination and management; providers most frequently reported minimizing exams and early use of epidural. Over 80% of midwives and 54% of physicians minimized exams during labour for women with vulvodynia (P= 0.01).
Conclusion: Further research is needed to understand the optimal provision of care for pregnant and postpartum women with vulvodynia. We advocate for increased education of vulvodynia aimed at providers of antenatal, labour, and postnatal care.
Keywords: Vulvodynia; midwifery; obstetric delivery; obstetrics; physicians; pregnancy.
Copyright © 2018 Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.