Lifelong-RL: Lifelong Relaxation Labeling for Separating Entities and Aspects in Opinion Targets

Proc Conf Empir Methods Nat Lang Process. 2016 Nov:2016:225-235. doi: 10.18653/v1/d16-1022.


It is well-known that opinions have targets. Extracting such targets is an important problem of opinion mining because without knowing the target of an opinion, the opinion is of limited use. So far many algorithms have been proposed to extract opinion targets. However, an opinion target can be an entity or an aspect (part or attribute) of an entity. An opinion about an entity is an opinion about the entity as a whole, while an opinion about an aspect is just an opinion about that specific attribute or aspect of an entity. Thus, opinion targets should be separated into entities and aspects before use because they represent very different things about opinions. This paper proposes a novel algorithm, called Lifelong-RL, to solve the problem based on lifelong machine learning and relaxation labeling. Extensive experiments show that the proposed algorithm Lifelong-RL outperforms baseline methods markedly.