Single-Particle Mobility Edge in a One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Optical Lattice

Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Apr 20;120(16):160404. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.160404.


A single-particle mobility edge (SPME) marks a critical energy separating extended from localized states in a quantum system. In one-dimensional systems with uncorrelated disorder, a SPME cannot exist, since all single-particle states localize for arbitrarily weak disorder strengths. However, in a quasiperiodic system, the localization transition can occur at a finite detuning strength and SPMEs become possible. In this Letter, we find experimental evidence for the existence of such a SPME in a one-dimensional quasiperiodic optical lattice. Specifically, we find a regime where extended and localized single-particle states coexist, in good agreement with theoretical simulations, which predict a SPME in this regime.