Objective: To explore the views of patients with diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy on their acceptance of virtual clinic review in place of face-to-face clinic appointments.
Methods: A postal survey was mailed to all 813 patients under the care of the diabetic eye clinic at Singleton Hospital with 7 questions, explanatory information, and a stamped, addressed envelope available for returning completed questionnaires.
Results: Four hundred and ninety-eight questionnaires were returned indicating that 86.1% were supportive of the idea of virtual clinics, although only 56.9% were prepared for every visit to be virtual. Of respondents, 6.6% not happy to attend any virtual clinic.
Conclusion: This is by far the largest survey of patients' attitudes regarding attending virtual clinics and confirms that the vast majority are supportive of this mode of health care delivery.
Copyright © 2018 Canadian Ophthalmological Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.