Object: To analyse the clinical, imaging and histopathological data of patients who were diagnosed to have Dysembrioplastic Neuroepithelial Tumour (DNET) and underwent surgery between 1995-2015.
Materials and methods: Age at seizure onset, age at surgery, gender, disease duration, seizure outcome of 44 patients were analysed together with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of 21 patients. MRI types were classified as type 1 (cystic/polycystic-like, well-delineated, strongly hypointense T1), type 2 (nodularlike,heterogeneous), type 3 (dysplastic-like, iso/hyposignal T1, poor delineation, gray-white matter blurring).
Results: Histopathological classification revealed simple form in 19, complex in 14 and non-specific in 11 patients. Lobar distribution of the lesions was as follows: 21 Temporal (47.7%), 12 parietal (27.3%), 8 frontal (18.2%) and 3 occipital (6.8%). Type 1 MRI was observed in 10, type 2 was in 7, and type 3 in 4 patients on radiological evaluation. All cases with type 1 MRI corresponded to either simple or complex forms and all cases with type 3 MRI corresponded to nonspecific form. The histopathological distribution of cases with type 2 MRI was 4 as non-specific, 2 as simple, 1 as complex. There was no significant difference in the age of onset, age at operation and duration of epilepsy between the patients with different MRI subtypes. The majority of patients (N:36) had Engel I outcome (81,8%). In groups with Engel II and III outcome, duration of epilepsy was significantly higher (p:0,014) and simple form of DNET has significantly higher seizure freedom after surgery compared to complex and nonspecific forms of DNET (p:0,002).
Conclusion: Patients with DNET constitute a group with favorable outcomes after epilepsy surgery especially with early referral to surgery. Longer duration of epilepsy was associated with worse seizure outcome for DNET patients. There was significant correlation between radiological and histopathological types of DNET especially in type 1 and 3.
Keywords: DNET; Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumour; MRI; epilepsy.