A multigene phylogenetic analysis of Genabea, Myrmecocystis, and related genera in Pyronemataceae was conducted to establish genetically supported generic limits. The nuc rDNA 28S gene, translation elongation factor 1-α gene (TEF1), and RNA polymerase II second-largest subunit gene (RPB2) significantly supported the monophyly of several distinct genera of hypogeous Pyronemataceae. The genetic identity of Genabea fragilis is established, and the new species Genabea hyalospora, G. urbana, Myrmecocystis mediterranea, and M. microspora are proposed to accommodate undescribed lineages. Two rare species, M. sphaerospora and M. spinospora, are tentatively identified based on collections that are morphologically similar to the original descriptions. The genus Genea was found to be monophyletic, except for G. cazaresii, which is nested among epigeous species of Humaria. The new combination Humaria cazaresii is proposed to accommodate this species.
Keywords: 6 new taxa; Genea; Humaria; Mediterranean; hypogeous; truffles.