Background: The gene SYNE1 is highly expressed in the cerebellum and its dysfunction is related to an autosomal recessive ataxia (SYNE1-ataxia). The disease was firstly considered a pure cerebellar ataxia however, recent studies have described a broader clinical presentation, including motor neuron disease symptoms.
Objectives: To investigate cerebellar and potential extra-cerebellar changes in SYNE1-ataxia using multimodal neuroimaging analyses.
Methods: Six patients completed clinical and imaging exams, and were compared to age-gender-matched healthy controls. Gray matter was analyzed using FreeSurfer and CERES for brain and cerebellum, respectively. White matter was analyzed with DTI-TBSS while we used SpineSeg for spinal cord analysis.
Results: We found significantly reduced cortical thickness (p < 0.05, FDR-corrected) in primary and association cortices, and volume reduction in subcortical structures, brainstem and cerebellum. White matter was found disrupted in both brain and cerebellum (p < 0.05, FWE-corrected). These results are consistent with the expression of the SYNE1 mRNA and its encoded protein in the brain. We failed to demonstrate spinal cord changes.
Conclusions: SYNE1-ataxia is, therefore, a relatively common cause of recessive ataxia characterized by complex multisystemic neurostructural changes consistent with the phenotypic heterogeneity and neuroimaging configures a potential marker of the disease.
Keywords: Cerebellum; Gray matter; Neuroimaging; Recessive ataxia; SYNE1.
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