Acute Kidney Injury of Infectious Etiology in Monsoon Season: A Prospective Study Using Acute Kidney Injury Network Criteria

Indian J Nephrol. 2018 Mar-Apr;28(2):143-152. doi: 10.4103/ijn.IJN_355_16.


The epidemiological pattern of acute kidney injury (AKI) in tropical countries during monsoon reflects infectious disease as the most important cause. AKI is a confounding factor and may be overlooked by primary health-care providers and underreported in health statistics. The present study prospectively helps estimate the burden of disease and analyze etiology, clinical profile, and outcome in a tertiary care hospital of a metropolitan city in a tropical country. The study period included monsoon season of 2012 and 2013, a total of 8 months. AKI staging was done as per the AKI Network (AKIN) criteria. Patients were treated for primary disease. Renal replacement therapy (RRT) was given as required. Patients were followed up during hospitalization till recovery/death. Out of a total of 9930 admissions during this period, 1740 (17.52%) were for infections and 230 (2.31%) had AKI secondary to infectious diseases during monsoon. The incidence of AKI (230/1740) in infectious diseases during monsoon was 13.21%. The study population (n = 230) comprised 79.5% of males and the mean age was 40.95 ± 16.55 years. Severe AKI: AKIN Stage III was seen in 48.26% of patients and AKIN Stage I in 41.74%. The most common etiology of AKI was malaria (28.3%) followed by acute gastroenteritis (23%), dengue (16.5%), leptospirosis (13%), undifferentiated fever (10.4%), more than one etiology (5.4%), and enteric fever (3.5%). RRT was required in 44.78% of patients. Requirement for RRT was maximum in patients with more than one etiology followed by leptospirosis, malaria, dengue, and least in typhoid. The overall mortality was 12.17%. In multivariate analysis, vasopressor support and assisted ventilation were risk factors for mortality.

Keywords: AKIN criteria; Acute kidney injury; infections; monsoon.