Hemangiomas are described in many locations, but breast hemangioma (BH) is rare, accounting for only 0.4% of all breast tumors. These tumors are difficult to diagnose preoperatively using conventional imaging modalities because they lack pathognomonic characteristics. Mammographic and sonographic appearances of BH were described in just a few case reports, and breast implant-related hemangiomas are even rarer. We report a case of the tumor arising in an atypical location-between the elastomer and fibrous capsule of a breast implant.Level of Evidence V This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266 .
Keywords: Breast; Hemangioma; Implants; MRI; Ultrasound.