An electron microscopic examination of replicating bacteriophage P4 DNA molecules has revealed theta-type structures that replicate bidirectionally from a single origin. Many replicating P4 DNA molecules also contain long (2000 bases) single-strand DNA regions at the growing fork that are deployed in a trans configuration, which supports the concept of continuous leading strand and discontinuous lagging strand syntheses. The position of the P4 origin was localized by the use of a plasmid complementation test for replication in vivo, as well as by labeling of DNA replicating in vitro in the presence of a chain-terminating inhibitor. During this study we discovered a second site on the P4 genome which is essential for replication, and we have named it crr (cis region required for replication). The site is located at least 3300 bases from the origin but appears to be required for the initiation of DNA replication in vivo as well as in vitro.