The dorsal cortex of Psammodromus algirus is three-layered. From the pia to the ependyma, it consists of a superficial plexiform layer, a cellular layer, and a deep plexiform layer. Five neuronal types have been classified in the dorsal cortex. Pyramidal neurons represent 18.75% of neurons and differ morphologically depending on their position in the pars medialis or lateralis of dorsal cortex. Pyramidal neurons in the pars medialis are smaller and their apical dendritic fields are less extensive than those of pyramidal neurons in the pars lateralis. Bitufted neurons represent 22.5% of dorsal cortical neurons and are only found in the cellular layer of the pars lateralis. Multipolar neurons are distributed in the pars medialis and lateralis, in the cellular layer and the deep plexiform layer; they represent 46.25% of the total impregnated cells. Bipolar neurons are found mainly in the deep plexiform layer and form 11.25% of neurons. Two subtypes may be distinguished: horizontal and vertical bipolar cells. Juxtaependymal neurons represnt 1.25% and are located just above the ependyma. All the neurons in the cellular layer are projection cells.
Copyright © 1987 Wiley-Liss, Inc.