Background: Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) can be assessed using external and internal exposure measures. We examined the relationship between two measures of external BPA exposure (air and hand-wipe samples) and one of internal exposure (total BPA in urine) for a group of US manufacturing workers.
Methods: During 2013-2014, we recruited 78 workers from six US companies that made BPA or made products with BPA. We quantified BPA in seven urine samples, two full-shift air samples and in pre- and end-shift hand-wipe samples collected from workers over 2 consecutive days. We examined correlations between creatinine-corrected urinary concentrations of total BPA (total BPACR) and BPA levels in air and hand wipes using Pearson's correlation coefficient. We also applied mixed-effects regression models to examine the relationship between total BPACR with BPA in air (urine~air model) and with BPA in end-shift hand wipes (urine~hand model), separately and together (urine~air+hand model), after adjusting for covariates.
Results: End-shift total BPACR strongly correlated with BPA in air (rp = 0.79, P < 0.0001) and nearly as strongly with BPA in end-shift hand wipes (rp = 0.75, P < 0.0001). In mixed-effect models, BPA air concentration and end-shift hand-wipe BPA level were significantly and positively associated with end-shift total BPACR (P < 0.0001 each). We found a significant effect of the Day 1 BPA air concentration on Day 2 total BPACR (P = 0.0104). When BPA air concentration and end-shift hand-wipe BPA level were in the same model, the air concentration (P < 0.0001) was more significant than the hand-wipe level (P = 0.0106).
Conclusion: BPA levels in air and end-shift hand wipes strongly correlated with total BPACR, suggesting that both inhalation and dermal contract were likely exposure routes; however, inhalation, on average, appeared to be a more dominant exposure route than dermal contact for these manufacturing workers.