Perspectives on scaling and multiscaling in passive scalar turbulence

Phys Rev E. 2018 May;97(5-1):052124. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.052124.


We revisit the well-known problem of multiscaling in substances passively advected by homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flows or passive scalar turbulence. To that end we propose a two-parameter continuum hydrodynamic model for an advected substance concentration θ, parametrized jointly by y and y[over ¯], that characterize the spatial scaling behavior of the variances of the advecting stochastic velocity and the stochastic additive driving force, respectively. We analyze it within a one-loop dynamic renormalization group method to calculate the multiscaling exponents of the equal-time structure functions of θ. We show how the interplay between the advective velocity and the additive force may lead to simple scaling or multiscaling. In one limit, our results reduce to the well-known results from the Kraichnan model for passive scalar. Our framework of analysis should be of help for analytical approaches for the still intractable problem of fluid turbulence itself.